Big thanks to all for helping St Joseph’s - Richard Onslow

Adventures (7)

Big thanks to all for helping St Joseph’s

The Caterer 30 April 2015I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who sponsored me when I ran a marathon last month in aid of St Joseph’s Specialist School & College here in Cranleigh.

Thanks to your generosity, I smashed my fundraising target and raised £3,500 which will not only help them buy a new outdoor table tennis table but also something else on their list of things they need for the school.

Everyone was brilliant in their support – both moral and financial – and it made all the difference in helping me get across the finish line.  It was a very long and very tough challenge but I did it!  I even made ‘Charity Event of The Week’ in our industry magazine The Caterer!

I’m hoping to get up to the school to play the inaugural game of table tennis on their new table when it arrives.  In the meantime you can read more about what they do at St Joseph’s here




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