A Beer to Serve With Bananas? Ale matching at The Richard Onslow - Richard Onslow

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A Beer to Serve With Bananas? Ale matching at The Richard Onslow

Building on the success of its first ever local beer festival in April, The Richard Onslow invited Surrey brewers Firebird back to the pub on Thursday 24th July to co-host a special dinner where each of the dishes will be paired with one of its distinctive local ales.

Stewart Cummings

Stewart in his natural habitat

Head chef Kevin Webb created a delectable five course tasting menu, featuring dishes like a rich spinach and ricotta soufflé with mushroom purée, a melting slow braised ox check with baby vegetables and a tempting banana parfait with salt caramel popcorn. He charged Firebird’s master brewers Bill King and Richard Peters with the task of selecting the perfect beer to accompany each one.

“We’re aiming to show that food and drink pairing isn’t just for wine buffs and that beer is just as good a partner to any food,” said pub deputy manager Stewart Cumming. “It only takes a little time and a few tips from the experts to find out how to match the beer in your glass with what’s on your plate.

“Firebird are fantastic local craft brewers who, like me, are really passionate about spreading the word about good beer,” he said. Some of the beers included their hoppy Heritage XX, which is the ideal partner for rich meat dishes; smooth tasting Bohemia Lager which is good with salmon and a creamy onion sauce, and even a beer that’s brilliant with bananas, Feuerweiss, literally ‘fire wheat’ beer.

Stewart knows everything there is to know about beer, so next time you come and eat with us, ask him for his top tips on the right ale to match your meal!

Written by Peach People

I'm feeling peachy!

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