Same People, Shiny New Look! Come and See our Transformation - Richard Onslow

Adventures (7)

Same People, Shiny New Look! Come and See our Transformation

Was John letting the stress...erm...go to his head?

Was John letting the stress…erm…go to his head?

This summer we closed our doors, shut down the beer taps turned off the stoves and put all hands to the pump to work on our new look.

After all, every noble gent needs a new wardrobe from time to time…

We wanted to shut for the minimum length of time so we could get back to doing what we do best, which meant every second counted in getting our refurbishment under way.

The doors are in!

The doors are in!

On day 2, we were a little worried that John may have been letting the stress get to him, as he tried on some of our new lampshades for size. It was strange to hear the murmer of our guests’ voices exchanged for the buzz of drills, but by the time our lovely new doors went in, we were starting to feel it come together.

Richard Onslow New Look

Here’s a sneak peek at our new look!

It was amazing to see it all happen so quickly. Jo Eames, our creative-in-chief, really rallied the troops and the end result was better than we had even expected.

If you haven’t popped in to see us since we completed the work at the end of June, please do pop in and have a look around. We’d love to know what you think!

Written by Peach People

I'm feeling peachy!

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